Bed Bug Treatment
Andy's Pest Control works with you to eliminate bed bugs from infesting your residence. With proper prep and a professional exterminators approach, bed bugs can be exterminated with a two treatment process spaced roughly 21 days apart. Using a combination of dust, residual spray as well as aerosols, we will treat the entire residence with special focus on mattresses, box springs, couches, chairs, dressers and end tables. To make sure bed bugs do not spread to other areas of the house we also treat electrical outlets, baseboards, window and door frames, cracks, crevices, and any open wall voids. Andy's Pest Control works with land lords and property managers to ensure their investment is protected.
How to Prevent Bed Bugs
Ever wonder how you could get bed bugs? It could be as simple as sitting in the wrong chair at a movie theater. Bed Bugs are hitch hikers, they attach themselves to clothing and get transferred back to your home. They can also hitch a ride in a suitcase or second hand furniture. To help prevent getting bedbugs make sure to thoroughly inspect any luggage or second hand furniture for signs of bed bugs. Signs can be anything from live bed bugs, to fecal smears.
Early detection is key to ensure bed bugs do not infest your home.
Where to Look if You Suspect Bed Bugs are in Your Home
While some people show signs of bed bug bites, others do not show any signs. Remember, everyone reacts different to insect bites and positive bed bug infestations cannot be confirmed by bites. A proper inspection is key to early detection.
The most common place for bed bugs to be hiding would be your mattress or box spring. When checking your bed, ensure all your sheets are removed and look in the creases of the mattress. Lift your box spring off the bed rails and check the rails for any signs of infestation.
Other common places are living room sofas/chairs. You can inspect sofas and chairs by removing all the cushions and checking the zipper seems, and where the fabric over laps the cushions. If you want a professional inspection, feel free to contact Andy's Pest Control.